

The back of cleaned roach

The back of cleaned roach

150 g.

Description Caspian roach (lat. Rutilus rutilus caspicus) is one of the most common commercial fish species in Kazakhstan. Dried roach is a favorite snack among beer lovers. Also, roach, due to its nutritional properties and high-fat content, is used in cooking soup and other dishes.

Weight 150 g.

Dried bream straws

Dried bream straws

100 g.

Description Bream is at the top of the list of produced fish in Kazakhstan (lat. Abramis brama). This is a valuable commercial fish, spread wider than other fish sorts. The proportion of bream in the total amount of fish harvested is 50-60% or more.

Weight 100 g.

Dried roach

Dried roach

10 kg.

Description Caspian roach (lat. Rutilus rutilus caspicus) is one of the most common commercial fish species in Kazakhstan. Dried roach is a favorite snack among beer lovers. Also, roach, due to its nutritional properties and high-fat content, is used in cooking soup and other dishes.

Weight 10 kg.

Asp dried

Asp dried

10 kg.

Description Predatory fish asp, also known as Sheresper, belongs to the carp family. The Latin name of this fish is Aspius aspius. Can be found in many places such as basins of the Black, Azov, Baltic, and the Caspian seas.

Weight 10 kg.

Dried bream

Dried bream

10 kg.

Description Bream is at the top of the list of produced fish in Kazakhstan (lat. Abramis brama). This is a valuable commercial fish, spread wider than other fish sorts. The proportion of bream in the total amount of fish harvested is 50-60% or more.

Weight 10 kg.

Pink salmon fillet

Pink salmon fillet

Weight is not fixed

Description Pink salmon (Latin. Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) is a migratory fish of the salmon family. Habitat - the Asian and American Pacific coast. Can be found in the region of Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin and off the coast of Hokkaido (Japan).

Weight Weight is not fixed

Salmon fillet

Salmon fillet

10 kg.

Description Salmon (Latin Salmo salar Linne) can be found in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean and the Western part of the Arctic Ocean.

Weight 10 kg.

Cod fillet

Cod fillet

Weight is not fixed

Description Pacific cod (Latin Gadus macrocephalus) is a marine fish of the cod family. It lives in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, in the Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan.

Weight Weight is not fixed

Pink salmon steak

Pink salmon steak

Weight is not fixed

Description Pink salmon (Latin.Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) is a migratory fish of the salmon family. Habitat - the Asian and American Pacific coast.

Weight Weight is not fixed