

Salmon Steak

Salmon Steak

Weight is not fixed

Description Salmon (Latin Salmo salar Linne) - habitats of salmon: the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean and the western part of the Arctic Ocean of. Few fish is so rich in well-digestible proteins and various trace elements like salmon.

Weight Weight is not fixed

Chum salmon steak

Chum salmon steak

Weight is not fixed

Description Chum salmon (lat. Oncorhynchus keta) is one of the most widespread fish species of the salmon family, inhabiting the northern waters of the Pacific, and occasionally the Arctic Ocean.

Weight Weight is not fixed



Weight is not fixed

Description White-bellied flounder (lat. Lepidopsetta bilineata bilineata) is a sea bottom fish that lives in the Bering and Okhotsk seas. White-bellied sea flounder is a very tasty fish. There are many ways of cooking it.

Weight Weight is not fixed

Pollock HOG

Pollock HOG

Weight is not fixed

Description Pollock (lat. Theragra chalcogramma) is the most numerous type of cod. Pollock lives in the Pacific Ocean - from the Bering Sea to the Korean Peninsula. Pollock is rich in vitamin PP, it contains a lot of phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iodine, fluorine.

Weight Weight is not fixed

Capelin packaged

Capelin packaged

0,5 kg.

Description Capelin (lat. Mallotus villosus) is a very tasty fish. It can be found in the northern part of the world ocean. So it is caught in the Arctic and the northern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific. Capelin is widely distributed and its reserves are large.

Weight 0,5 kg.



Weight is not fixed

Description Salmon (Latin Salmo salar Linne) can be found in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean and the western part of the Arctic Ocean. Few fish is as rich in well-digestible proteins and various trace elements as salmon.

Weight Weight is not fixed



Weight is not fixed

Description White-bellied flounder (lat. Lepidopsetta bilineata bilineata) is a sea bottom fish that lives in the Bering and Okhotsk seas. White-bellied sea flounder is a very tasty fish. There are many ways of cooking it.

Weight Weight is not fixed

Chum salmon

Chum salmon

Weight is not fixed

Description Chum salmon (lat. Oncorhynchus keta) is one of the most widespread species of fish of the salmon family, inhabiting the northern waters of the Pacific, and occasionally the Arctic Ocean.

Weight Weight is not fixed

Pink salmon

Pink salmon

Weight is not fixed

Description Pink salmon (Latin Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) is a migratory fish of the salmon family. Habitat - the Asian and American Pacific coast. Can also be found in the region of Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin and off the coast ofHokkaido (Japan).

Weight Weight is not fixed