

Snakehead Fillet

Snakehead Fillet

1 kg.

Description Snakehead (lat .Channa argus) has recently become a commercial fish, can be found in reservoirs such as Lake Balkhash, Kapchagay reservoir. Earlier this fish was common in the reservoirs of the Aral-Syrdarya basin. Due to the absence of small bones (only the ridge), delicious cutlets, aspic, heh can be cooked from it.

Weight 1 kg.

Vendace HOG

Vendace HOG

1 kg.

Description Vendace or European whitefish (lat. Coregonus albula) has commercial value in the Zaisan-Irtysh basin and lakes of Northern Kazakhstan. This fish has become one of the best-selling species in our country due to its delicious taste.

Weight 1 kg.

Tilapia fillet

Tilapia fillet

10 kg.

Description Tilapia (Tilapia) is a generic obsolete name for several hundred species of fish belonging to different genera of the cichlid family. Tilapia lives in fresh water, eating preferences varies much: it feeds on plankton, algae and other organic matter that can be found in rivers and lakes.

Weight 10 kg.

Pangasius fillet

Pangasius fillet

10 kg.

Description Pangasius is a river fish from the family of catfishes (Сpryniformes). It is grown artificially on special farms in Vietnam, at the mouth of the Mekong River. There are a lot of such specialized farms in Vietnam - as they say, demand creates a supply.

Weight 10 kg.

Bream HOG

Bream HOG

1 kg.

Description Bream is at the top of the list of produced fish in Kazakhstan (lat. Abramis brama). This is a valuable commercial fish, spread wider than other fish sorts. The proportion of bream in the total amount of fish harvested is 50-60% or more.

Weight 1 kg.

Carp HOG

Carp HOG

Weight is not fixed

Description Carp (lat. Cyprinus carpio) is one of the most popular species of fish. This fish is loved by our customers due to its taste and quality.

Weight Weight is not fixed

Perch HOG

Perch HOG

1 kg.

Description Balkhash perch (lat. Perca Schrenk) currently has commercial value in the waters of the Balkhash-Alakol basin. This fish is relatively small in size up to 50 cm in length and weighing up to 1.0 kg.

Weight 1 kg.

Crucian carp HOG

Crucian carp HOG

1 kg.

Description Crucian carp in Kazakhstan is represented by two species. This is an ordinary, or golden crucian (lat. Carassius) and a silver crucian (lat. Carassius auratus). The main difference between these two types is the size. Nutrition and energy value

Weight 1 kg.

Carp caviar

Carp caviar

1 kg.

Description Nutrition and energy value

127 kcal / 532 kJ

Weight 1 kg.

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