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Description Pacific herring (lat. Clupea Pallasi) is spread from the White Sea to the east. It is the richest source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help maintain youth and health.

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Squid HOG

Squid HOG

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Description Squids, decapods of cephalopods, are very interesting inhabitants of the sea. ancient Greece and Rome cooked dishes from these cephalopods. At the time of Antiquity, the squid was called winged fish, because it is a great swimmer.

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Description Pacific cod (Latin Gadus macrocephalus) is a marine fish of the cod family. Its habitat is in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, in the Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan. Cod is in high demand in almost all countries of Europe, North America, and Asia.

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Description Pollock (lat. Theragra chalcogramma) is the most numerous type of cod. Pollock lives in the Pacific Ocean - from the Bering Sea to the Korean Peninsula. Pollock is rich in vitamin PP, it contains a lot of phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iodine, fluorine. Pollock is considered one of the leaders in the content of protein and iodine, so it is very useful for children.

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Description Capelin (lat. Mallotus villosus) is a very tasty sea fish. Can be found in the northern part of the world ocean. So it is caught in the Arctic and the Northern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific.

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Perch fillet

Perch fillet

1 kg.

Description Perch (lat. Perca fluviatilis) can be found in almost all parts of Kazakhstan and has commercial value. This fish has a very expressive and bright color.

Weight 1 kg.

Carp fillet

Carp fillet

1 kg.

Description Carp (lat. Cyprinus carpio) is one of the most popular species of fish. It's loved by our customers, as it is nutritious and tasty.

Weight 1 kg.

Pike fillet

Pike fillet

1 kg.

Description Pike meat (lat. Esoxlucius) is considered to be a dietary product due to its low-fat content, 2-3%. And pike products are great for low-calorie meals.

Weight 1 kg.

Catfish fillet

Catfish fillet

1 kg.

Description Catfish (lat. Silurus glanis) is one of the brightest representatives of Kazakhstan's aquatic fauna. The size of the catfish reaches 4 meters or more. Maximum weight about 200 kg. This giant lives mainly in warm waters.

Weight 1 kg.

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